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Protect Our Wildlife 

Telephone:  07375 896 463

Making the countryside a safer place for  wildlife


If you have any information on hunt activity then please submit the anonymous contact form.


  1. If you have seen the hunt

  2. If you are aware of an up and coming hunt meet

  3. If the hunt are / will be in your area

  4. If you have witnessed or have any information on illegal hunting 

  5. if you have the what3words then send those too

Contact Us

Hunt meet cards are particularly needed
Please email to

What you may see or hear if the hunt is in your area:


  • Riders wearing either tweed or redcoats surrounding a woodland or field

  • A lot of Horseboxes and vehicles parked up along country roads

  • Horseboxes travelling along early in the morning around 6am (Aug-Nov)

  • A row hunt vehicles parked along country lands, with occupants looking over the fields often with binoculars and appearing to look at nothing

  • The sound of horn or voice calls

  • Hunt hounds running across fields or over roads


Please report any sighting of hunt activity, in Northumberland, to us.

Recent Projects and News

About us

Click to learn more to find out a little bit more about us, and what we do


Help us

Click to learn more about  how you can help us. 

Red Fox

Meet the team

Click here to find out more about some of our team 


Click, Act now, to find out how you can get involved and help protect our precious wildlife

"Finger A Fox Hunter"

Advice for local residents & Landowners

This section provides useful information for local residents and landowners who are affected by hunting on their land and/ or in their community


or 101 after the event or to provide information
 Obtain an incident number
Report it to your local anti-hunt group
Complain to your MP
Take photographs / video, providing it is safe to do so

for more advice and information on what to look out for and report see advice for local residents

Contact Us




Northumberland Hunt Watch are a totally independent group. We are not affiliated to any other group or organisation; as a result we have limited access to any funding. We are a 100% volunteer led group, who depend entirely on donations to operate. Please help us to continue with our work. Help us to attend as many hunts as possible.


The more hunts attended the more foxes lives are saved and the closer we are to getting the evidence to bring a conviction for illegal fox hunting


What your donations can help pay for 


  • £8 would buy us 1 memory card

  • £23 would pay a month’s car tax

  • £35 would buy us enough petrol for one hunt meet

  • £50 would pay our group car insurance for one month

  • £80 would buy us a tank of petrol.

  • £700 would pay for our most recent car repairs for our group car

  • £2000 would help us to purchase a second group car plus a year’s tax and insurance


We drive an average of 200 miles per hunt meet (average £35 petrol for one average meet). If we are out 3 times per week, that is £105 per week. Currently we don’t have sufficient funds to attend multiple hunts per week. With your help we can change that.  


Can you help us to expand and grow to cover more hunts and save more foxes?


2021-2022 Season we had two group cars. We lost these following a vandalism attack.


We  replaced one car thanks to the generosity of our supporters, but we have been unable to replace the other car. When we had two cars we were able to split up and monitor two hunts at the same time. This year we have been unable to do that.  


Our aim for next season (2023-2024) is to raise enough funds to purchase a second vehicle and cover the annual cost of tax and insurance.  Two cars means we can take our more teams too. Then a third ... so we have as many hunts covered by Northumberland Hunt Watch as possible. 


Consider donating the price of a cup of coffee per month to our funds


  • If  10 people donated £2.50 per month that would pay our car tax

  • If  20 people donated £5 per month that would pay for our Car Insurance and petrol for multiple meets per week 







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